Declutter your life. – Sell some things you don’t need any more for some extra cash or donate it to your local thrift shop. No need to take extra baggage to college. Start the semester off fresh and clutter free by taking the time to declutter and eliminate unnecessary “stuff” in your life.
Update your resume. – Yes, this might sound not so ideal when your mind has most likely been away from academics this summer. Adding new experiences and skills you’ve gained over the summer while they’re top of mind will help you get back into the swing of school work. It’ll also make our next tip super easy!
Look for internships. – Most companies are posting their fall internship opportunities online already. Get ahead of the pack by researching opportunities before you go back to school.
Explore something new in your city. – That new restaurant, try it! That new park, go visit it! Explore your city. You never know what kind of connections you could make or fun you’d have just by trying something new.
Spend quality time with your family and friends. – You won’t know how much you’ll miss them until you’re a month into college and ready to have a homecooked meal. Take some time to hang out with your family and friends before you leave for school, maybe even get them to explore those new places in town with you.